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South Central Chapter Code Continuing Education Transitioning from 410A to A2L
Ouachita Electric Cooperative
700 Bradley Ferry Road
Camden, AR 71701
United States
Thursday, March 06, 2025, 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM CST
Category: Code Training in Chapter Meetings

Chapter Code meetings provide each licensee at least 2 opportunities each year to get Code Continuing Education.  The scheduled meetings are in October and March.  Meetings are free to Association members.  Non-members pay a small fee.  The meetings are open to everyone.  A meal is included.  Others meetings may also be planned by the local chapter.  By the way, these Code CE meetings require registration for everyone; members and non members, licensees and registrants, others, even spouses.   We have to make sure we have enough space, food, and CE materials.